My husband and I went to the Habitat Restore to do a little browsing. Hubby bought this homely little table and said now go paint on this. Normally this would not be a big deal but.....
I started decorative painting in '92. Oh I dabbled in painting when I was younger, my father is an incredible artist and I am by no means as talented but I enjoyed it. My family and friends are wonderful and my biggest fans, they would say what I painted was beautiful even if it wasn't. I love them for that!! I painted up to about 3 years ago.
neighbor lady down the street asked to see the things I painted, she was a mural artist with her own business and I was hoping she could help and give me constructive criticism, what I got was,"Oh no one buys that type of painted stuff anymore!" Well I laughed and said I do it because I enjoy it. This rolled off my back like water off a duck. Or so I thought. Slowly I painted less and less. I had a bunch of excuses,
can't find anything worth painting, don't have enough time and my time can be better spent... etc.
The other day I was watching a motivational speaker on TV and I had, as Oprah says, an AH HA moment.
Rolled off my back!!! NO IT DID NOT! I thought it had but it didn't. I let a women I hardly knew steal my joy! That comment all but stopped me from doing something I loved to do. I can not believe that one negative comment did that. I am ashamed to admit that she had that much influence on me but I was in awe of her work. I have made a promise to myself that I will watch what I say to people. Not that I would EVER say to someone what was said to me, I wouldn't. We must all realize that words do hurt and may change someones course in life. If I change anyones direction, I want it to be for the better. I want to help and mentor and give them all the encouragement that I am able. Sure wish someone that I had looked up to had done that for Me!
So.. I picked up this little guy and I sanded and I primed....
.......and I painted.
Ya know, it felt pretty good. I still have a long long way to go, this time with a renewed sense of why I paint! Because I want to and I like it and from now on I am going to enjoy this journey.
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